DOPCO has set mid to long term ESG targets and tasks to
fulfill its responsibilities to all stakeholders and promote
sustainable growth in the Environmental, Social, and
Governance sectors.
Enhancing the eco-
friendliness of business
and management systems
Make the workplace
safe / Grow with
Securing management transparency
Key Tasks
Enhancing eco-friendly management
Minimizing environmental impact
Achieving net zero by 2050
Practicing safety first
Promoting strategic corporate social responsibilities
Building a sustainable supply chain
Service quality control management
Information security performance management
Implementing human rights management
Fostering member diversity
Creating the SV for stakeholders
Ethical management enhancement
Building ESG management system
Developing a risk management system
Ameliorating the Board of Directors
Guiding principles
Contributing to sustainable development
Sites in which social responsibilities are fulfilled
Enhancing the stakeholders' trust towards the company
ESG Roadmap
DOPCO will prepare and execute
short-term, mid-term, and long-term
road maps for ESG management.