Ethical management
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Ethical management

Social responsibility

Economic and legal
  • Internal control (unethical)
  • Continuous profit generation
  • Compliance with general internal and external regulations
  • Code of Ethics, Ethical management
  • Compliance with ethical standards established on conventional wisdom
  • Social contribution
  • fulfillment of the roles as a responsible corporate citizen

Ethical development stage of enterprise

Immoral stage
  • Collaborating by ethical principles
  • Ethics First
Policy /
development stage
  • Balance of ethics and profits.
  • Establishment / establishment stage of company foundation such as establishment of corporate tenet, announcement of code of ethics committee.
Introduction stage
  • They recognize that fulfilling corporate social responsibility is profitable for the company.
  • Serving the community and publicizing it publicly.
Compliance stage
  • The idea that it is not unethical unless it is illegal.
  • The idea that ehtics is not above the law.
Immoral stage
  • The idea that only business owners and managers are important stakeholders.
  • The idea that focuses on maximizing profit at any cost.
STEP 5.  Immoral stage
  • Collaborating by ethical principles
  • Ethics First
STEP 4.  Policy/development stage
  • Balance of ethics and profits.
  • Establishment/establishment stage of company foundation such a establishment of corporate tenet, announcement of code of ethics committee.
STEP 3.  Introduction stage
  • They recognize that fulfilling corporate social responsibility is profitable for the company.
  • Serving the community and publicizing it publicly.
STEP 2.  Compliance stage
  • The idea that it is not unethical unless it is illegal.
  • The idea that ehtics is not above the law.
STEP 1.  Immoral stage
  • The idea that only business owners and managers are important stakeholders.
  • The idea that focuses on maximizing profit at any cost.

Ethical Management Practice Structure (3C)

Classification Ethical behavior standards Establishment of organization and a system for promotion Forming consensus
for members for Vision
Component Code of Conduct Compliance Check Organization Consensus by Ethic Education
Purpose Providing specific and codified guidelines for members that serve as a basis for business ethics Organization and various systems to realize ethical management Forming consensus among members through daily education
Execution Code of Ethics/Practice Guidelines, Integrity Contract System, Guidelines for Ethical Management Ethics Management Steering Committee, Internal whistle-blower system, Whistleblower protection system Education and in-company promotion program
Pursuing ethical management value through DOPCO’s Vision
Ethics management and compliance management are considered priorities in all management activities and decision making, and they are the essential elements to be followed and are the minimum principles that members should observe. Members must always clearly distinguish the public from the private, and should conduct their business fairly and transparently.

To comply with all laws and regulations related to management activities and not to violate them, we must fully understand and actively implement the related matters so as not to cause financial loss or external image loss of the company.

Introduction/Operation of CP(Compliance Program)

DOPCO has introduced CP (Compliance Program), is conducting self-education and regular monitoring to comply with laws and regulations related to fair trade, and is implementing eight key elements.